Monday, September 19, 2016

1 Year.

Long time no see eh? Yeah, I've been busy raising the baby I had 16 months ago.

Its funny though. We knew that there was another baby, and while the previously mentioned deal with The Father, meant that there would only be one more pregnancy, truthfully, we haven't been all that excited about it. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my kids. More than just about everything. But, being in the throes of teaching and raising those 4 kids, doesn't exactly make you baby hungry. Parenting is hard work right? Plus there is my always present loathing of pregnancy. Its seriously rotten. Hand me a newborn and I'll easily take the sleep deprivation. Wanna know why? Because they're so sweet! And because I have a husband who pulls his weight. Get this, he actually gets up once in awhile to take care of HIS child! Crazy huh? Apparently that is not the norm for most families. But in mine, I wouldn't have it any other way. So yeah, not over the moon, but still willing and happy to add another to our brood.

It may be why we have been slightly dragging our feet. I have been off birth control for a year. After having only been on it for 3.5 months. It makes me legit crazy. So we've been "not preventing" for a year now and so far nothing. But to me, trying is tracking ovulation, doing the deed every other day during the right time, legs in the air afterward, that kinda thing. I was very aware of when I was ovulating in relation to when we were gettin busy.  But like I said, we've been busy livin. And I knew that without a doubt that the Lord would send us a baby when the time was right. Until now it hasn't been. Can you even imagine if we had? Luke may have not graduated when he did, we for sure would've stayed in Utah! We'd be living a very different life!

But the time has come to really get things moving. It feels like the right time is just around the corner.

So here's to trying to conceive. May we be fertile. Or something like that. ;)

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