Friday, October 24, 2014

Fork in the road.

Wanna know who sucks? Insurance companies. Okay, not really. I have actually had pretty good luck with Select Health in the past and now that I got super lucky enough to be insured through medicaid for this pregnancy as well, it literally won't cost me anything out of pocket. So that's pretty great.

I'm just frustrated because I had a whole plan worked out a new OB, a new office, even a new hospital. Then I just had a feeling I should call and double check with the insurance. They cover the new doctor and office, but not the hospital he delivers at. Plan throw in the trash, anxiety ensuing. Specially since my first appointment is next week and I've had it scheduled for 3 weeks.

After lots of stressing and research, I've decided to stick with the midwives I have used with all my other pregnancies. It means I will have to drive a little further (20-25 minutes) for every appointment. But it also means familiarity and I get to deliver at AF hospital, which I absolutely love. And this group of midwives are so sweet. It says a lot that I have gone to them for 3 pregnancies, now 4.

Also, as an added bonus, I get to have my first appointment on Tuesday instead of Thursday. 2 days sooner to hear a heartbeat? I'll for sure take it! I lucked out and got in on a cancellation. They are usually super booked up. It's in the afternoon though, and that means Lilah and Will will be coming with me. Good thing Luke is coming too. He always comes to the first appointment, the ultrasound, and towards the end when it's almost impossible for me to move or cart kids around.

Also, I think I have the names figured out. I say "I" because Luke isn't totally on board yet. He doesn't hate the names, he just isn't sure he loves them yet. Yes, this is all very fast, whatever. I feel closer to the thing growing inside me when I can call it a name. And after all, this is the 4th one, the list of names we don't like has grown considerably, as well as the list of names we can't use because they sound too much like the kids we already have, names that sound funny with Moore, or names that have nicknames we don't like. For example, we LOVE the name Christian. So much heritage there on both sides, it sounds dignified and classy, but we know that everyone would end up calling him Chris, all the other nicknames are weird. As if it wasn't obvious, the names we like are in super short supply, as in 3 names on each side. Lilah came up with Violet and Squidgey. Emma and Will mostly volunteered made up names. Luke prefers not to even start thinking about names until the gender ultrasound. He jokes around that he's in charge of blessing babies and that he could give them whatever name he wanted. And then I reminded him that I'm in charge of the birth certificate, and I would just tell the bishop my husband made a mistake. Bahaha! We're not that mean. We will agree on something. :)

Now it is lunch time, and I must be off. I gots to get dem babies fed.

1 comment:

Kara said...

BAHAHAHAHA! I always throw around the baby certificate weight. THAT IS SO FUNNY! Dang, you guys are on the ball with names!

You know what though? If you like Christian, just be a little proactive in the beginning about his name and it'll stick. Everyone wanted to nickname Brielle (and I've known a few other friends who've had similar probs) but you just keep reinforcing that the baby's name is ___________. It's all good.