Saturday, October 4, 2014

Wanna Puke? Me Too.

So it seems like every day I am getting sicker and more tired, no matter what I try to do to prevent it. Exercise, good sleep, naps, healthy diet, nothing works. Also I am rocking my cranky pants and some awesome hormonal acne. This is the way pregnancy is for me. Not Pretty.

I am convinced I am either further along then I think, or that I am carrying twins. I got a positive pregnancy test 2 days before my period was due to start. With all of my others, I could never get a positive until I was about 5 weeks, sometimes 5.5. Now, I know that every pregnancy is different and all that jazz, but I think that 3 pregnancies being quite similar is a pretty good standard to measure against. Also, I have never gotten nausea until 7 weeks. It never starts before then, and it gradually builds from 7 weeks on. I have been nauseated since I first found out. It's what prompted the test well before I knew that I "should."  Who knows though. Maybe my HCG levels are just crazy high with this one. We will see. That doctor's appointment is feeling farther and farther away. I wish it was tomorrow.

I had to make dinner for a friend tonight who had her baby on Monday. It was the last thing I wanted to do, mostly because it was a complicated recipe that took about an hour and I really don't want to eat anything. But I did it, because I am a good friend and because I try really hard not to be a flake. I took the soup over and got to hold her tiny tiny 6 lb 5 oz baby girl (who is actually smaller now) and she was so precious. I have never held anything so small in my arms. It made me ache for my baby to get here. I only have....243 days to go. Bahaha!

That's all I have for today. :)


Kara said...

Also I am rocking my cranky pants and some awesome hormonal acne.

Kara said...

That made me smile big.