Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A Baby Update.

I have officially hit the second trimester! Wahoo! 1/3 of the way done. I also had my next baby appointment before Thanksgiving. It went well. They did the full work up. Breast exam, pap & pelvic exam, blood work, urine sample. Ya know, just the super comfy stuff ;) Then we also did another ultrasound to actually see baby this time cause nothing was visible last time due to my dehydration, but everything was good this time. Baby was movin and a shakin and we saw a strong heartbeat. And my due date is officially set for the 3rd of June 2015. Yay! It feels good to know for sure. I also got to hear the heartbeat with the doppler as well. Interesting news, my uterus is a little tipped towards my back. I don't know if it's always been that way since I tend to carry my babies more in my back than up front. But no one has said anything before. Who knows. Should make the ending fun right? Lots and lots of sciatic pain.

I keep wondering and hoping if I will get my energy back and not feel so nauseated soon, but who knows. I tried not taking my medication the other morning because it's started giving me headaches, and within 2 hours I threw up. So I guess I'll just wait another week and try again. Rinse and repeat until it sticks.

That's about all.


Kara said...

Just keep growing that wiggly baby, mama! You're going great! Yay for 2nd tri! What is that, like 13 14 weeks?

Arika said...

It's 14 weeks. If you ever wonder, just check the ticker at the top of the blog and see how far the baby has gone. :)

Kara said...

Got it. I was rereading this and it seems like I've heard something in the past about your uterus being tipped......