Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Things That Go Buh-Bye When I'm Pregnant.

I could just not make a list and say that pretty much everything gets ditched when I'm pregnant, but then what would be the point of this post. I really didn't want to do this. I have a headache and would much rather be watching Charmed for the hundredth time, or reading a book. However, this is from my old life, i.e.BP (before pregnancy) and I know I should. Maybe it'll help...so at the very top of the list is...

Social Skills. I become reclusive. No one wants to hear how sick I am, or how much I'm hurting, over and over. And I am much to ill to plaster on a fake smile and lie through my teeth. So I keep it to myself and I keep to myself. Which is probably how come I end up getting depressed. Whatever. I just can't find it in me to care a whole ton about Relief Society, or family gatherings, or which freaking Hunger Games movie is out, mostly I just try and let time pass. Those are all things I will get back to when the smell of someones cologne doesn't send me to the bathroom.

Personal Hygiene. And not in a gross way. I'm not like stinkin up my house over here. But showering is usually twice a week for me. When I take a shower, it wears me out so much that I am on the couch the rest of the day, and sometimes it's more important to be able to get my kids to and from school, than it is for my hair to not be gross. Yes, I still brush my teeth, wash my face and all the important parts everyday. But a full on wash all over and shampoo and condition all of this hair, it's tiring just talking about it. If I wasn't so exhausted and so broke, I would make time for a haircut and chop it all off. Don't even ask how often I shave my legs. Only when absolutely necessary. Good thing it's winter.

Good Health. My juicing and exercising has long gone out the window. I hope to get back to both, gently, when I am feeling better, but who knows when that will be. And I always intend that, every pregnancy, and somehow it never works out for me. And when you're just trying to keep food down, any food will do, as long as you're not coming back on you.

A Clean House. I do the laundry. It takes a little longer, sometimes the clean clothes will sit in the baskets for a couple of days, but I get it done. I will vacuum occasionally, when there gets to be too many random pieces of cereal on the carpet. I will empty out the dishwasher when I can. Luke keeps the dishes done up so that we don't have to eat off paper plates every night and destroy the environment. I can't remember the last time the bathrooms were cleaned or the kitchen floor mopped. There is usually clutter somewhere. It is what it is.

Taking pictures, scrapbooks, journals, blogging. This are extra things for women that have extra time and can sit upright for more than 20 minutes without getting dizzy. Gimme 6.5 more months and I'll be back to it.

Cooking & Baking. This is a hard one for me. I want to be making meals for my family instead of living off things that come in boxes, but I am usually too exhausted or nauseated to do much of anything. Sometimes I manage it. It's a lot easier with Luke's help, but he's only around for dinner on Saturday and Sunday. Baking is really hard this time of year. I want to be making treats with my kids and taking them to neighbors and friends and spreading the love with a plate of something delicious. But I can't. If I am having a hard time just cooking meals, extra cooking is out. And it makes me sad. Hopefully someone will bring me a Christmas treat this year.

Normal Emotions and Reasoning. With previous pregnancies, I have been a much bigger emotional mess then I currently am. This time, I have just tried to ride the wave. Thinking things like sickness is just a big part of my pregnancies, it will go away, eventually. Instead of panicking and crying every single day that I don't feel any better. I do have the rough up and down mood swings, but I just calm down and remind myself that it's all normal and it's all good.

So there you have it. The list of what I am actually doing is quite small, but since I am busy building a baby, I think we'll call it even.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Awh. Someone out there knows what you feel like!! (me.) Be watching for a Canadian package sometime next week :)