Wednesday, February 18, 2015

25 weeks.

That means I have 14 left. Yay! Its sounds so short and so long at the same time.

I had my check up last week and I was measuring a week ahead. I've been that way the whole time though. Even from the first ultrasound at 12 weeks, the baby was measuring 12 weeks 6 days. I have been wondering why my due date hasn't been changed when it seemed like with Emma they changed it at every appointment. Who knows.

Current symptoms:
Nausea - almost threw up this morning, that was a fun treat.Which means that my diet it semi-restricted at the moment to carbs and things that don't make me wanna hurl.

Pain - in my belly. Sometimes it feels like cramps, other times it feels like ligament pain. I woke up every 20 minutes last night because of the pain. I was really starting to panic and then it subsided around 4am.

Not sleeping - mostly because of the pain, sometimes because of bad dreams, sometimes I just wake up at 4:30am for no reason. Also, if I stay on one side too long, it makes that hip hurt and I have to roll over. I will often wake up on my back and panic not knowing how long I was there, and then quickly roll over.

Fatigue - from all the not sleeping. So tired. All the time.

Depression - from life. I feel like no one cares except my husband who wants to be there for me but is so busy trying to keep a roof over our heads and pass his classes that I am often left feeling very alone. I am taking the prozac, but it's only been a few days and usually takes a couple of weeks for me to feel any different.

Currently, I'm not focused on the end of this pregnancy. I am focused on Luke getting to the end of the semester. Which is precisely 2 months and 5 days away. Then we will have all of May to get our life in order before we welcome a new babe. 

Baby weighs 1.5 pounds and is 13.5 inches long. Getting big!

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