Tuesday, February 10, 2015

An Update & a Milestone Reached!!!

24 weeks!!! Yay!!! I'm not gunna lie, I wish it was more like 34 weeks, or even 39 weeks :)

My baby link says that last week (week 23-24) that baby has gained 4 ounces, and she now weighs 1 1/3 lbs. That's kind of a lot and probably explains why I have been so hungry lately! My weight gain as of this morning is at 3 lbs. Not too shabby. She's also about a foot long now.

As far as me, super hungry lately. Like want to eat 2 dinners hungry. Still haven't done that yet, I will usually eat dinner and then wait an hour and then have some fruit or popcorn, sometimes ice cream. And then I will tell myself I am done. Even if I still feel hungry after that, I won't eat because I know I have had enough.

Also, I must've just gotten a new dose of pregnancy hormones lately because it's showing up all over my face. My mood swings are crazy too, and I've been nauseated every morning for the last week. 

Depression has been a super fun hurdle the last few weeks. I have tried everything to make it go away, and it's sticking around. And since all of my natural solutions don't work when I am pregnant I will be asking for an antidepressant at my next appointment on Thursday. I have though a lot about it. And even though I hate having to do it this early (3 1/2 months to go, when I usually wait until the last two months) I also need to be able to function for myself and my family. Having Luke do everything while I fall apart in a mess of tears and chocolate is not an option this time. He is struggling through this semester and his classes and needs to be able to focus on school as much as he can. And I have to be in a place mentally and emotionally where I can help him do that, as well as taking care of all the house and kids stuff as well as I can. So to sum up, antidepressants - don't like them, but I will take them when I feel like I need them.

Also new this last few weeks are the round ligament pains. The first time I had them (with Lilah) I thought I was miscarrying. Nothing could be that painful and not be hurting the baby. But with each child I have been assured, baby is fine, my body just hates me. It's that old lady uterus thing, hates to stretch out. But you'd think it would get easier with each baby since I'd already be stretched out...nope. I wear a super sexy belly belt that goes around the bottom and top of my belly with a big panel around my lower back. It is hawt. Not really, I feel like a whale. Right now, it just hurts to walk a lot. Like around Emma's school, the grocery store, that kind of thing. Soon, it will be bad at church, or around the house. Probably by like 30-35 weeks. Ah well. I knew what I was signing up for.

Okay, so now for the milestone. End on a happy note. This morning I was lying in bed and Luke and I were semi-waking up. He snuggled up to me and put his arm across me. And right away, I felt a bump. And not an inside one, and outside one. Being very careful not to shift around at all, I grabbed Luke's hand and put it on my belly. He felt her kick a couple of times! Gracie was saying hello to her daddy :) It was the first time I had ever felt her bump outside too. We were so happy! It never feels real to Luke until he can feel the baby. Such a happy Tuesday! :)

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