Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Healthy or Unhealthy?

Perhaps a bit of both.

This is the first pregnancy that I have actually realized that it's not just my health that goes down hill when I get pregnant. It's the entire family. Everyone eats more boxed, fast food, and processed foods because mama is always so tired and daddy is so busy. I juice less, sometimes not at all. I prepare less fruits and veggies, because they don't always sound so good to me. I am doing better this time around, juicing sometimes, eating a salad here and there, kicking up the proteins, and trying to consume lots of fruits.

Luke came to me a few days ago and said that he really wants to lose some weight. It broke my heart to say that I can't help. I can't put that extra pressure on myself to change the way we are eating and cooking. I can't do it for me and I can't do it for him, not right now. But if I want to stay halfway sane, and not depressed (I've been doing really really well!) I need to know my limits, and right now, while pregnant, this is far far outside my capacity. So I told him good luck and that I will do what I can this summer. Personally, I think with all the stresses he is dealing with with classes, homework, work projects and family life and baby stuff, I really don't think he needs one more thing to worry about. This summer we can get back on track. He won't be in school and I won't be pregnant anymore. Plus I need to move more and get out in the sunshine to help with my PPD as well. If he can just make it through this semester, we will all be better for it.

So to sum up, we are pretty unhealthy right now. Treats, carbs, delicious sauces. But we are also trying to be healthy as well. And that's really all we can do for now.

* Still doing great with my weight gain. This morning I was back down to 240, which means no gain so far. And I am 23 weeks in! Booyah! Feeling so good.

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