Thursday, October 2, 2014

Big News!!!

                                                                                                                                  September 29, 2014
I have some big news. Is it bigger than a pool? No. Bigger than a breadbox? Slightly. As big as a baby? Yup, cause that's what it is! Yay!!!! I can't tell you how ecstatic I am. I literally found out yesterday and want to scream it from the rooftops. Except, not really.

We have waited what seems like forever. Luke got the vasectomy in September 2012. February 2013 is when I realized we made a mistake. It took me a few months to get up the courage to tell Luke. And a few months after that for him to be open to the idea. Obviously the only way to change our fate was to get a reversal, which was January 2014. 9 long months, lots of praying and crying, and many negative tests later, we're finally pregnant. I am currently 4 or 5 weeks along, is my best guess. I have my first appointment scheduled for the day before Halloween. I should be good and barfy by then.

Something else fun, all of the midwives I love have completely left the practice in PG. I LOVE American Fork hospital and was not eager to go to Timpanogos, Orem Community or Utah Valley. So the only choice left to me was Mountain View Hospital in Payson. A friend of mine recently delivered there and just raved about it. It has all the things I loved about AF. Plus we are planning on moving south in that area anyhow, and this way I wouldn't have to find a new OB. So my appointment is with a man that I've never met. I have never been..ahem...examined by a man, I have always had lady midwives or lady OBGYN's. So hopefully he'll be really nice and I won't have to stress about 1 more thing.

So long story short, I won't be publishing this post for a few months. I think I will just add to it whenever I feel the need to talk about this pregnancy. This is something we have desperately wanted and have known for a long time that's it's the right thing for our family. It just feels more personal this time. Like I am grasping the sacredness of procreation for the first time. And that feeling is something I would like to hold close to my heart for awhile. We did tell the kids just because if it's a family secret, we should probably include the whole family. And can I just tell you how sweetly excited they were. They asked lots of questions and were excited that at the beginning of June next year we'll have another little baby.

I know I can't keep it secret forever, especially with the kids being so excited, but I would like to try for now.

I know it's a boy.

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