Wednesday, March 4, 2015

27 weeks.

Baby is 2 lbs & 14.5 inches long! Yay! We're getting there. Only 12 weeks left.

So far, I have gained 7 lbs. Not too shabby.

Symptoms are still the same. Is it symptoms of late pregnancy? Or is it side effects? Either way, nausea, pain, depression, anxiety. They're all still here. Although, I have been on my medication for about 3 weeks now and I might be starting to feel a slight difference. Less really really low. So put that in the win column.

We had some drama the last few weeks, but I am so tired of relating it to doctors that we will just say this. An idiot midwife, who doesn't know how to measure fundal height, put me measuring at 31 weeks when I was 24.5 weeks. Then she didn't say a thing about my pain and blood tested me for some stomach disease - my stomach wasn't hurting. Whatever. Never gunna see her again. I would rather have a stranger deliver my baby. But, thanks to a super sweet midwife, the one who actually delivered Will, we got things cleared up. This is what I now know.

Cervix-isn't changing, so no preterm labor! Win. Pain-round ligament pain, yes it hurts me crazy badly and will only get worse, but it's not hurting baby which means I can deal. Win. Monitored baby's heartbeat for an hour, sounds perfect. Win. CBC & stupid stomach test - both came back completely normal, which I knew anyhow. Win for the dum dum. Glucose test which I took early because we were worried maybe I had gestational diabetes and that's why baby was bigger, came back completely normal. WIN! And finally, ultrasound. The surest way to know what is actually going on inside of you...normal. Baby is measuring just where she should be, which at the time was right on with 26 weeks 2 days. And, amniotic fluid is just the right amount as well. WIN! So in conclusion, I haven't had a massive weight gain, everything is completely the right size it should be, and a certain midwife will be getting no glowing recommendations from me. That's for sure. Healthy. Seriously, such a relief.

In other news, I had to go to the dentist yesterday, which I have never done while pregnant. Hands and tools in my mouth is not a great idea when I gag while just brushing my teeth. But, there was a cavity that was big and they were worried about. I have never had a root canal and desperately don't wanna start now. So I swallowed my vomit instincts and decided to have a good cleaning at the same time. My dentist is wonderful. In the 2 hours I was there, he let me get up to pee 3 times. And was so gentle with the anesthesia. Teeth cleaned and 2 cavities filled later I was super numbed up and shaky from the anesthesia. But I had to drive home so Luke could get to work. I walked outside to a blizzard that wasn't there when I went in. Snow everywhere and wind blowing hard. I drove home in an almost white out with shaking hands. So scary, but we made it safe and sound. 2 hours after that, there was no more snow. As in no more coming down and all the accumulation had completely melted. I felt like an idiot for freaking out. Today, my face hurts. Hurts to chew and move my jaw. I really hate dental work. Good thing I take pretty good care of my teeth and don't have to go often.

Does anyone else breathe a sigh of relief at 27 weeks? Because they say that at this point if you had your baby it would likely survive, with lots of medical help, but it would live. That's pretty incredible. I am so amazingly grateful that we have made it this far. I know so many women don't get that opportunity. Another 12 weeks? Sounds like a walk in the park. Ok not really, but we'll get through it. And be so happy we when get to officially meet our baby Gracie. 


Kara said...

LOts of stress. whew! Glad everything is working out. I hate the dentist, too. I need to go for something big but don't wanna.

Kara said...

Are you planning on delivering at 39 weeks or something?

Arika said...

Yup. I always get induced at 39 weeks. The pain is so intense by then I will do anything to get baby out.

Kara said...

lucky. I'm usually at least 41 weeks.