Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Single Digits.

I have done it! I've crossed over into single digits! Hallelujah. I never thought it would come. The kids and I made a countdown today and decorated all the numbers. There are 63. That seems like a lot. But really, just two months. I am trying my very hardest to hang in there. Some days are better than others.

Even though I am 30 weeks, I am still measuring big last week I was at 32 weeks. My midwife said it's because baby is breech right now. She also said don't stress about it unless she hasn't moved by 36 weeks. So I'm not. Whatever. If I end up having to have a c-section, it is what it is. It was the way it was meant to be and I can't change it. What matters most is that in 9 weeks, I won't be pregnant anymore! I will be able to eat healthy things again. I will be able to walk without my insides killing me. I CANNOT WAIT!!!

It'll happen. Trying for patience.

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