Wednesday, April 29, 2015

35 weeks.

I only have 4 weeks left. 30 days. A month, what is that? Like nothing right? And somehow it seems like I may as well have all 9 months left. Yikes. About once a day I will have a pretty serious moment where I think, "HOLY CRAP! How on earth am I going to get through these last few weeks with my mind still intact?!!!" Usually I just say that to Luke. Partly because I don't want to bug anyone else with my complaining, and partly because he contributed to the issue at hand and is required to listen. And even if he wasn't, he still would. Because he loves me. So anytime I frantically throw that question his way, he will either just listen and say nicely, "I know it feels long, but it's really so short and I will be here to help you through anything you need." Or he'll say very matter of factly, "We just will. We will because we have to." Neither response makes me feel any better. But both remind me that I'm loved and not in this totally alone.

Luke has 1 more night to finish up a research paper and then has one more class on Thursday and then he'll be officially done for the semester. Bad news, he failed one class. It couldn't be helped and I'm not okay with it, but I'm okay with it. Good news, he will pass his remaining 4 classes and seriously scrape by with C-'s in all of them. Wow. Massively close calls. As long as they are passed, we don't care! Best news: since his Fall financial aid has been awarded and accepted, and his class schedule for Fall is completely registered for, we don't have to think at all about school until August at the earliest!!!!

In some ways it's been the hardest pregnancy ever, and in others, its been quite easy. I have learned a few things though to keep in mind for the next go around (uhhh!).

1. Absolutely the most important thing to remember is, weeks 30-39 are the worst. Depression sets in hard, nausea returns, ligament pains, can't walk, horrible horrible hip pains, can't breathe, can't sleep. Remember that when you're barfing in the first trimester - this is cake, just wait until later.

2. Make sure to schedule EVERYTHING (other than OB visits, of course) before that 30 week deadline. Kids doctor appts, dentist appts, fun things with hubby or friends, get it all out of the way. Plan to do nothing after then. If it involves sitting on your butt or laying uncomfortably on your sides, then it's okay. Movies at home, yes. Out to dinner with friends, no. Eating chocolate, big time yes. Planning to finish your scrapbook, no!

3. Don't become reclusive. Reach out to friends even if they don't reach out to you. Its so hard when all you want to do is complain and be grumpy, cause no one wants to hear that. So that's usually what I do. I sequester myself away from the world. But it doesn't help me. Sometimes when I am feeling really aggravated, Luke will ask me what I want to eat or what I want to do and the answer will always be, "I just want to go to the hospital and have a baby. Right now." I have a bad case of the grumps. Also known as, Get This Baby Outta Me Nooooowww syndrome.

That's about all I can think of.

Also, total weight gain 14 pounds. 

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