Wednesday, April 22, 2015


We officially have 5 weeks left. 37 days until the induction. Can't come soon enough. Good news is, we've fixed some problems that were causing Luke and I to stress and me then having contractions. No good.

Awesome improvements for the next few weeks:
1. Luke is taking Emma & Lilah to school.

2. I am still picking up Lilah, but it's only two days a week and I really enjoy the fresh air since it's the only time I really get out of the house.

3. My visiting teacher Lisa, is picking up Emma from school. From now until school is out. We may toss in another person and they'll alternate weeks.

4. Luke has been making Emma's lunch for the last few months because I am basically useless in the morning and trying so hard not to throw up. But now he's started making sandwiches for Lilah and Will at the same time and just putting them in a tupperware in the fridge. It sounds small and simple, but it makes the biggest difference to me!

5. The Relief Society is bringing in a meal every Tuesday until baby day. And on Monday 5 of my favorite ladies came over and made me a bunch of freezer meals that we can just pull out of the freezer and put in the oven or toss in the slow cooker. Stuff that's easy for Luke to do. Because I basically haven't cooked anything in weeks. We've been surviving on boxed mac and cheese, snacks and cup of noodles. And we made a big batch of Neiman Marcus cookie dough and froze that in little balls as well for later :)

6. Luke talked to his boss and basically explained that he can't work 50+ hours a week plus finish school, do homework, take finals and have a wife on bedrest. They were super understanding when he said he would do his best and be in and out for the next few weeks and be working at home some too. They took away one of his biggest projects to allow for some breathing room and when he came home I saw some genuine relief from him. He still has PLENTY to do, but now he feels like he'll actually be able to accomplish it all.

My last big outing. My niece Hazel was getting baptized this last Saturday and the kids were so excited to go! I knew Luke couldn't handle all 3 of them by himself, so I went too. Even showered and put on make-up for the first time in who knows how long. Made him take a picture.
 He thought it would be super funny to stand on a hill and hold the camera up high. It looks like he's shooting from a tree. Sadly, I only made it through the actual baptism. We had to go home after that so I could lay down. The kids were bummed about missing lunch, but then Luke took them to family dinner the next day so it all shook out.

So those are the super happy things that have made my life so much easier and my stress so much less. Plus Luke only has 11 days of school left! Hallelujah! We are both struggling and muddling through it, but pass or fail, it'll all be over in a week and a half.

Now onto the hard stuff. The being 34 weeks pregnant and unable to move properly kinda stuff. There's the not sleeping because I have to roll over every hour because my hips hurt and wake me up, and the peeing 5 or 6 times a night.

 I may or may not have preeclampsia. Who really knows at this point. My blood pressure is low like 100/65. I have NO swelling at all in my hands, feet or face. But, I do have some protein in my urine and headaches strong enough to lay ya flat, and those fuzzy visions things called floaters because of the headaches, and crazy amounts of nausea. So it could be developing preeclampsia, or just weirdness that comes with the territory. They took some blood for testing and will continue to monitor my pee & blood pressure at each appointment and we'll just hafta see. One of my midwives told me to take extra strength tylenol, a sudafed, and drink a redbull and that should cut the headache. So not comfortable drinking a redbull and would never ever do that while I'm pregnant! Different strokes for different folks I guess. The point was caffeine. The only thing I like with caffeine is Sunkist. I'm a rebel, I know. So I have been guzzling that and eating chocolate and taking tylenol and it does help the headaches. But they always come right back and I inevitably have to do it all again.

I am still struggling with eating mostly because of the nausea. Pretty much anything I can keep down at this point. Some days I just have a couple of biscuits with butter for dinner, or some cheese and crackers. I have currently gained 12 pounds.

I lay down most of the day which hurts my hips and back. I LOVE LOVE LOVE laying flat on my back but I never dare do it for more than a minute or two because I feel like I'm killing my baby. I told Luke that maybe I wouldn't mind a c-section because then I would get to lay on my back for awhile!

I have gotten to the almost passing out when I shower stage. Not so fun. But since I am down to once a week now, Luke said, "Hey, you only have to do it 5 maybe 6 more times!" Always trying to look on the bright side. Oi with the poodles already!

Depression is currently manageable thanks to upping my dose. I am slowly getting things checked off my list. The "Things to do before baby gets here' list. Luke is helping a lot.

So that's about all for this week.

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