Wednesday, May 6, 2015

36 & 29.

36 weeks today. Only 23 days left until induction. Seriously, it's getting so close I can taste it! And it tastes like freedom. And cold stone in a hospital room. Can't wait! I dream all day long about what it will be like when I am not pregnant. And what Grace will be like. And how great it will be to have a new baby again. Newborn snuggles and newborn smells. I'm getting really excited. That is, when I am not crying about all the pain I'm in. It's a trade off.

Yesterday was my 29th birthday. I soooo did not want to take any pictures, it sounded like a lot of work. But then I realized that the next birthday picture I take, I'll be 30! Suddenly capturing 29 seemed like a must do on my list. I tried a full belly shot and it made me feel disgusting. So I went with a face shot. Much better and the shadows hide my double chin nicely. I also figured since I couldn't really do my hair, that some make-up would be in order.

I started the day off with taking Lilah to preschool and then drove 80+ down the freeway to make it to my appt in time. 36th week visit...that means Group B Strep test. Yay. Its whatever. I've never had problems with it before, but if getting checked for it protects my baby, I'm in. I also told my midwife whilst she was 'down there' she could check my cervix. Why not ya know? Turns out I'm 1 centimeter and still totally thick. So at least all of the contractions and BH are actually doing something and not just causing needless pain. I try to remember when it hurts so badly, that my body is just trying to change and get ready for delivery. Sometimes is works, sometimes not. Anyhow, baby's heartbeat sounds fantastic, she's still head down, where hopefully she'll stay.

After that, we picked up Lilah from school and Daddy from work and headed to Bruges & Frites. A place that was originally in SLC and now has a storefront on center in Provo. I had heard lots of hype and wanted to see what it was about. The four of us split an order of fries with different dipping sauces. None that I was super crazy about. The fries were crispy which is always good. But beyond that, I wasn't overly impressed. Then we got waffles. If I am sharing a waffle with anyone in my family, I always have to get chocolate cause no one likes fruity desserts. So since it was my day, I wanted to get the warm apple pie waffle. It boasted caramelized apples and creme fraiche and sounded awesome. When it came I was super disappointed. There was no caramelized anything. Not even a caramel sauce. They apples looked floppy and warm like someone had re-hydrated dried apples. The waffle was dense and thick and tasted like cinnamon bread. Not bad, but not what you want in a waffle. And the creme fraiche was just whipped cream. $9 disappointment. Luke and the kids got the same waffle - a torpedo. It's a Liege waffle pumped full of chocolate. Then they topped it with vanilla bean ice cream and a belgian chocolate sauce. I had a couple bites, and that I would get again. Liege waffles in my opinion are just okay. They have the crunchy pearlized sugar which is cool, but the taste and texture is much like bread. But the star of the show was the Belgian chocolate sauce. Made from actual chocolate so when poured on the ice cream it's like the most heavenly magic shell ever. I would go back for that, but not for much else. I think I'm a bit of a food snob.

And since we were out, I didn't really want to go home yet. I knew I wasn't up for anything awesome. So we went to Target for a little stroll. Everyone stared at my belly as they passed me. Like without abandon. Full on eyebrows up, huge eyeballs, gaping. And I realized I have reached planet-sized status. Mom saw me a week ago, and when she came by for a second yesterday, her eyes about popped out. Baby is growing. She better not be like 20 pounds though. That's no bueno. So far my weight gain is 16 pounds. Probably more today since my waffes-fries-pizza-soda-cake combo of yesterday. I have been scared to check. I usually try to save most of my weight gain for the last part because I get so hungry and baby is growing so fast that it's like a freight train no one can stop. Anyway, we walked the perimeter of Target very slowly and then I was about spent and tired of people staring. I also felt like I had filled my birthday quota of being out of the house. I was ready to lay down again.

Luke and I started watching The Desolation of Smaug around 3pm. But there were many many interruptions and we didn't end up finishing it until 9pm. Way too late to start the last one. This pregnant lady cannot stay up until midnight. So it's on the cue for tonight. Luke also made me a simple marbled cake with chocolate frosting and did the dishes. With 29 candles on the cake the kids were a little afraid of starting a fire and made sure to help me blow some out. And oh yeah, Luke got CPK for dinner I got a tostada pizza without the lettuce and lots of extra lime juice. For the first time in my life, I actually ate semi-mexican fare on Cinco de Mayo.

Bedtime actually went okay. We have moved Will into the girls room. Mostly because I am so tired of telling them to stop playing on the crib. It has to last through 2 more babies, it can't get broken. The first night was not so good. Lots of threats and taking of stuffed animals, tears and putting kids in the bathtub. They all finally went to sleep around 9:30pm. Lilah is the instigator. She thinks bedtime is a party every night and convinces the others to follow her. Oi. But last night was the second night and no one wanted to be in the bathtub. We only had to remind Lilah and Will to be quiet once. Then all was silent. It was nice. Hopefully this is a new trend! Fingers crossed. Oh, but Emma made sure to point out that Mama hadn't opened her presents yet. To which Daddy answered, Mama doesn't have any presents. The kids were shocked which I think is what he was going for because he just laughed and then Lilah started to cry. So glad my babies love me and are looking out for their Mama! :) I came to Luke's defense though and said that I had told Daddy that there wasn't anything I wanted. That my birthday present was coming late this year. In 24 days to be exact. That baby Gracie is all the present I needed for my 29th birthday. That made them happy :)

It was a great birthday. And an excellent distraction. Exactly what I needed. I'm all pumped up and ready to lay on the couch the rest of the week.