Tuesday, May 12, 2015

37 weeks.

I went to my latest ob appt yesterday. Here's what I know. I tested positive for Group B Strep this time around. Just means some antibiotics when I am induced, no biggie. I am measuring at 1.5 cm and still not effaced at all. Baby is still head down and is officially ready to go, whatever that term is, she has dropped or lightened or whatever. Her head is stuck where its at and she's not going anywhere but out, whenever she decides it's time. Yes. Also, I tried to coerce my favorite midwife into inducing me at 38 weeks 6 days (a Tuesday) because that's the only day that week that she is on call. She said she wished she could, but any day before 39 weeks is a liability. She said if she didn't have 3 little kids at home, she would just come in on Wednesday and do it. She's so nice. Love to Jen :) We did a NST as well, and Grace is doing so good. Great fetal heart tones and Will was so wonderful to just sit by me and play the tablet.

I also tried to switch my induction to Wed - when I am actually 39 weeks instead of waiting another two days for Friday. So such luck. There were already 10 women who were on Wed. And I am #1 on Friday. It's better just to wait. It'll be a long 16 days though.

I am still doing the same. Pain, pain and more pain. In the form of BH, contractions, headaches, getting kicked in the ribs and ligament pain. Lots of nausea, which means lots of carbs. Which also means that I am up to 20 pounds gained. AHHHHH! It's going to be so hard to reverse some of these bad habits. Good thing Luke is already ready to go. He's excited to have the summer off and exercise and lose some weight. I just hafta remember to give myself the time I need to recover after baby is born and not try to do things too fast and mess myself up more.

We're all getting very anxious over here!

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